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We exist to serve God by serving others and love God by loving others

in radical faith and obedience empowered by the Spirit.


We exist to follow Jesus and serve God by serving others and love God by loving others.


Community of believers committed to living out the commission to make disciples and commandment to love God and others.


Children of God restored, renewed, and redeemed by the death
and resurrection of Christ.

Worship Meeting

EM Adult/
EM College
Sun 11:30AM / Grace Chapel

“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”

- Philippians 1:21


C Christ centered fellowship and relationships (Acts 2:42)
H Having worship that pleases, honors, and glorifies God; songs of thanksgiving that declare the praises of His name
(Psalm 95:2;6)
U Understanding how we ought to live through the teaching of the Word that is informational, instructional, and inspirational (2 Timothy 3:16)
R Relying on our Lord through prayer (Psalm 145:18)
C Compassion for the hurting and lost (Mathew 14:14;9:36)
H Holy Spirit empowered as we live as disciples and witnesses (Acts 1:8)

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”

- Psalm 19:14

“Come, Let us Worship and Bow down”

- Psalm 95:6

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